Can one day pass when you don’t give your harsh opinions?
We’ve been friends since ages. I have adjusted to the person who you are, accepted your flaws, appreciated your uniqueness. However as of late something has changed. I’m not sure if you’ve always been like this or if I’m now realizing what was behind closed doors. Your so call “complements” have been somewhat bitter. Obviously you’re one of my closet friends and your excuse is that you simply want to be honest. Honesty vs. your friend’s feelings, you choose my dear…
At the beginning I accepted your sarcasm and turned a blind eye to those petty jokes. However you seem to think that just because I didn’t say anything its cause I didn’t take you on OR probably didn’t mind. I have news for you love. I DO take you on. I DO HEAR every single criticism. Finally, I DO feel a pinch in my chest every time you say your “funny remarks.” Why is it that everything I do, inferior to your liking? What’s the bigger picture that I’m not seeing! Is this suppose to make me stronger cause I’m weak?
Of course I’m weak towards you because I’m blinded by love and affection towards you. Honey, everyone has their limits. At present you’re really passing mines and pissing me off. I won’t lash out at you because that not who I am. I try my best to be the nice character in your story but you’re making it so difficult to be around you lately. Your remarks are becoming too much for me to handle. I don’t mean to come off as a brat but it’s growing into something that’s a bother towards me.
When I’m tearing it’s your job to replace that frown with a smile. It’s your place to help me make those memorable memories when we look absolutely stupid. It’s your place to run in the rain with me and say that’s what fun is. It’s your place to make me laugh at my faults and forget them while focusing on my benefits. It’s your place to build me up and not break me down day by day. I’m not perfect so stop waiting for that day to arrive.
….[sigh*] I’ll continue as nothing is wrong and continually forgive your hurtful words. Don’t blame me the day I say harsh remarks at you dearie…